Wow, my first blog for my birthday!! this blog is specially creeated for this day!! so.......
The day has finally arrived!!! No more Mr. teenager... sigh sigh!!! Well, more to life than that. Dreaded this day but it ended pretty alright. Loads and tons of calls and messages, really appreciate all those ppl who made an effort to call or write. Well, let me see, where to start ? B4 June 5th, i alredi received 3 prezzies, pretty cool. THe most important thing of all is the jumpers from my parents.Wore one of them out today. SOmething i will always treasure, dun even dare to wear it. Kept it back inside the box!! Well, woke up and went to Nancy's place (Hairdresser), she bought me a cake !! wow.. Mango Gateau, super fattening... sigh.. but good FAT. Then met Freddica (Freddy+ Erica), Sam and his mystery girl for yum cha. Ordered too much !!! Big mistake!!
Afer all that, had to squeeze in 45 mins of Command&conquer General Hour Zero!!! Yay !! Headed to the library without my books or any shit!! Haha.. just went there coz my friend has sumthing for me !! YAy!! Met so many freakin ppl in the library, all u freakin campers !!! Stop conforming! Well, got my next prezzie however she said i couldn't open it till like 23rd june !! Bummer !! So temptin' !! Then, rush home... Squeeze in a little bit of rest... then the best part of the day, dinner with Mark Tang in Crystal Jade!! Been so long man since i last met him!! Guess we are all busy humans!! Dinner was good, of course i did he ordering and he did the eating!! Let me see, lobster, my fav Yam (dunno wut it's called) and a veg.... great time to catch up. SO many things we talked bout... bill was pretty BIG as well.. but who cares... after all it's my DAY !!!
Well, messages were still pouring in... really home, took out a cake and then friends came over and had a good time of CAKING(new word).. ohh. Cubby(another dog) was over as well!!! DAmn !!! I miss CJ... wish she could wish me happy birthday !! Sigh, will be seeing her very very soon!!! After tht, went over to friends place for a round of entertainment. Most of them were downstairs on the PS II. I was upstairs warcrafting!!! GOt whipped so badly it's just not farnie anymore....
Well, it sems like this first blog of mine never ends.. but well.. my day ends here.. a great day of fun. Really really happy !! MISS MY DEAR CJCJCJCJCJCJCJCJ...