Thursday, July 01, 2004

HEy yA!!

My next update... just 1 week since i got back in MaLAYSIA. Firstly, i feel the fats pounding onto my wonderful waist. The weather is really good!!! Freakin hot and humid. The hot part is pretty good but not the humidity level. I manage to get good tans lying beside the pool. Well, eating here is just amazing, everything here seems to revolve around food !!!! So far i just got up to meeting some of my friends. Well, met 2 gangs by now. Sigh i guesss still got bout 3 more different groups to meet with. And tht is just from oldz skoool!! Well, meet a group today i have not met in 3 years, pretty fun i guess.... gonna meet someone else tomorrow and the following day and again and so on.... needa go now. Update soon!

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