Friday, July 30, 2004

JAP !!!

Okiez... i have to admit. I have got this thing for Japs. Jap cars, jap names, movies... everything.

Gosh, i have watched the last samurai like freakin 10 times and yet i'm still going on strong. What's wrong wif me !!!! Hmm.. besides the fact that Jap chicks are preetty hot. Every Jap chick seems to have dyed hair !! Wow, honkie chicks with a good tan and skinny.. good height as well. Super duper hot.....

Wow... didn't know asian female models could be so freakin good lookin'. However, a little too old. = P. Well well, drool drool. Tan, i need my daily source of tan. Freakin winter, not only superbly depressing but i freakin' look like a fresh slaugthered chicken with it's feathers removed.

Dreading everyday in Melb, dying by the minute. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with what u say 'bout Jap gals....Their damn hot when u want them to be and freakin' cute when u want them to be....Aye mate?!
