Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Now I understand the meaning of being broke. After enduring almost more than 1 week of being cashless and surviving merely on credit cards. I finally understand how people who have no money feel and suffer. I have to say, it is really not easy at all. The feeling of going out of the house with no money in your pocket and sitting there wondering how to obtain my next meal and how to buy stuff. Passing by shops whereby there are things that you want to buy but can’t afford it !! I now know that feeling !!

Let me begin the story. Bout 14 days ago, my bank account was frozen. WTF !!! Rushed into the bank and realized that my account was frozen due to the fact that someone had used my credit card and withdrawed an amount of $2500 AUD. Terrified and petrified I immediately had the credit card services to verify the validity of the transaction and it was establish that the transaction came from half-way round the world !! Great Brittan !!! Didn’t know I was ever in there!! This time even more terrified and petrified I had them cancel my card immediately. Filed a fraud report and had to report it to the police as well. SO much of paperwork and investigations. Best thing is I couldn’t take money out from fixed deposit in another bank and other bank accounts were running low!! In other words, I am officially BROKE !!

Great !!! Because of that incident they froze all funds in my account so that no further transactions could ensue. That was then I realize that I am officially a poor boy !!! Had to survive on people’s food remnants and search the garbage bins for food !!! HAHA.. just kidding. Well, I had to rely on daddy’s credit cards but I did not want to spent too much so I tried to save as much as possible. Only used it to buy groceries around $50 AUD through this entire event !! This incident just makes the word LONG-SUFFERING seem so true. So for that ….

Everyday I sit there thinking how to get money ?? NO !! I will not ask from my parents as I want to stand on my own feet !! I thought to myself, maybe I should sell some of my clothes cause they should worth quite a bit but it was not as simple as what I hoped for. Then, I turned to my agent to ask for my pay for the last job which the agency still owes me and they were not able to pay me till the end of the month !! DIE LA !! Why did I turn down that modeling job!! Why !! Could have earned at least 2 grand but why God put me in such a situation !! For this entire time I had to survive on supplies and groceries which I bought, tough life !!

The best is yet to come !! I checked my account on Friday which was around 10 days after the first incident… WOW !! Another 8 transactions which totaled up to $400 AUD !! With haste I immediately rushed into the bank and scolded as many people as I could find !! Actually only 2 person !! Irrational behaviour !! Regret it !! How could this have happened especially when I have cancelled the card and the account was frozen !! WTF !! SO much for that St. George bank !! I did inform my parents about it but this time I did not want them to send me any money because I want to handle this situation by myself. Superbly terrified and petrified !!

Finally, today !! The bank called me in to verify some details and finally agreed to refund the total fraud transaction amount back into my account !! Finally!! No more war with money issues!! My emotions !! HAPPY !! EXCITED !!

14 days !! That’s how long I endured and it was not fun !!If there’s anything I’ve learned is that so many people are actually in my situation with their bank accounts running almost low!! They have so much more worries than me for their entire life whereas mine is only temporary. How could I ever imagine being in their shoes where I am sheltered by my parents. So I have decided from now on I will only spend my money as wisely as I can!! Appreciate every single dollar and cents that I own !! Lesson learned…..


Anonymous said...

Hi JC, you hadn't told me about the stuff up in your account, I could have helped too you know. I am glad there has been a happy ending to the sad saga.

I hope you slept well last night. Choo

Anonymous said...

why havent you been updating your blog?