Friday, May 20, 2005

PHoto mania !!

Bloggy bloggy ...
I have abandoned you ...

Haha... sorry for the recent photo frenzy ..
Let's start !!
Work's pilling up slowly but gradually !! YAY !!
It's a good thing considering my parents and brother work so so hard ..
I need to make myself look more hardworking ...
Daddy left to Perth today..
I hope he'll have a good time

Omg !! The past 3 days been running 2.4 k everyday ! It's crazy man but sigh. No choice bah... been working out so much just to get in shape for all the $$$$ to come.

Sun's been good to me !! Had my third tanning session and i swear !! For all the baking it's definitely worth it ! Confidence up up up !!

Sadly, not able to hang out with my friends back in Singapore !! Darn !!

Countdown : 5 days till my deardear gets back !!
Countdown : 15 days to my birthday !!

I'll be turning 21 real soon !! Hence hoping my 4 figure pay will come in soon !!
Just in time for ' SINGAPORE SALES '.....
So gonna be broke !
Ciaoz ..

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